Long Beach Bike Rides

Weekly Schedule




  • VFIXII (five-fix-two)
    • Time: 7:30 PM (roll at 8)
    • Location: 4th & Cherry
    • Route: Different each week, usually within Long Beach and neighboring towns. Posted on instragram day-of.
    • Host: Ramon
    • Speed: 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ (regroups, chill ride last Wednesday of the month)
    • Website: https://www.instagram.com/vfixll_lbc/
  • Long Beach Bicycling Meetup (aka Streetlight Riders)


    • Time: 7:30 PM (roll at 8)
    • Location: Traffic Circle In & Out Burger
    • Route: varies (announced on Instagram story)
    • Host: Steck
    • Speed: 🌶️🌶️🌶️ (chill ride once per month)
    • Website:  https://www.instagram.com/frenchmodel93/
  • Long Beach Riding Club



  •  Long Beach Riding Club does a big climbing ride on Saturday.  Check their Instagram!
  •  Total Trash Cycling Club (dirt ride)
    • Time: 9 AM
    • Location: Varies (not always Long Beach)
    • Route: Varies
    • Host: ?
    • Speed: 🌶️
    • Website: https://www.instagram.com/totaltrashcyclingclub/



  • Moonlight Mash (themed costume ride)
  • BikeLB Monthly Ride
  • LBians (ladies ride)
  • Sundaze (Intermittent)
  • Cyclone Coaster Vintage Ride
    • Time: First Sunday of the Month, meet at 9:30 roll at 10:30
    • Location: Portfolio Coffee, 4th and Junipero
    • Route: Along the Beach
    • Host: Frank and Bernard
    • Speed: 0.5x 🌶️
    • Website: http://cyclonecoaster.com/

Clubs and Teams with Regular Rides

Hughes Park Daily Practice Crit (Big Orange Cycling)

Lightning Velo

Velo Allegro

Long Beach Freddies


Approximate Speed Guide

  • 🐢: Conversational rolling pace, typically less than 10 mph.
  • 🌶️: Approximately 15 mph
  • 🌶️🌶️: Sustained 16-17  mph with occasional spurts of 20+ mph when the road allows.
  • 🌶️🌶️🌶️: Sustained 20+mph with spurts of 23+. Drafting and mini-races expected.





If you want your ride added, email alex@longbeachbikerides.com or message @aklotz2 on instagram.


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